“The Power of Touch-more effective than man-made drugs…”
“Healing Cosmetologist” book is necessary for the market place because we live in a society where human species live in FEAR every day of their lives. A human beings hope, ...
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“Healing Cosmetologist” book is necessary for the market place because we live in a society where human species live in FEAR every day of their lives. A human beings hope, ...
“Did you know that your hair is an Antennae? Well, let’s define this theory: “Hair is an extension of the nervous system, it can be correctly seen as exteriorized nerves, ...
We’ve got Author and Consultant Nicole Lee on this show. Her book, Healing Cosmetologist, is a study in not only the process of hair care but a look into the ...
“Positive energy creates positive thoughts and positive thoughts bring about high frequencies. By creating high frequencies, you will begin to draw positive results. Thoughts generate attitude and attitude influences thought. ...
“I am the source of all wealth. I am rich with creative ideas. My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts. What I have to offer is unique, and the ...
“In my 20 years of experience in the beauty industry, I have discovered a whole new realm of knowledge, services and untapped economic potential. The beauty industry is a 12-billion-dollar ...
“When a client puts themselves in your styling chair, allowing you to use your skills to make them more beautiful (inside and out), they are usually showing a great deal ...
“Everyone who has made the conscious decision to become a Beauty Professional should make a conscious decision to become successful! The Hair and Beauty Business is a 12 Billion Dollar ...