“Beauty is Business” By Nicole Lee

“In my 20 years of experience in the beauty industry, I have discovered a whole new realm of knowledge, services and untapped economic potential. The beauty industry is a 12-billion-dollar industry; African-Americans are 90% of the consumers, yet they only own 2% of the manufacturing and distribution control. Until now, my purpose is dedicated to the education, as well as the motivation and redirection of consumerism and economics all over the world.
My vision, as a CREATIVE BEING is to begin creating franchises titled: One Stop Shop Beauty Supply and Healing Suites. These franchises are to contain products and accessories manufactured and distributed by the beauty professionals who offer the services.
One of the positive movements forward in the beauty industry would be for them to become innovative entrepreneurs in the operation of Private Salon Healing Suites to service the Body, Mind and Spirit; ALL under ONE roof, in Urban communities.
The goal would be to address the veil of economic disparity and economic oppression within poor communities. By having beauty salon industry business owners help THEMSELVES, we can begin the move from being just workers or consumers to being healers, producers, innovators and contributors of our community and society.”
~Excerpt from “Healing Cosmetologist” By Nicole Lee http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/AuthorNicoleLee
Beauty IS a BUSINESS….treat it as so, recognize your worth in this RECESSION proof BUSINESS!
Sending Love and Light,
Nicole Lee
Copyright 2018 Nicole Lee. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.