Warrior Moms-A Business Model Creation

Here’s a list of Warrior Moms Product Creations:
-Warrior Moms Journal
-Emotional Remedy Calendar
-Book inspired- “How to Emotional Paralysis- A Guide for Single Moms”
-FII (family independence initiative) partnership
-Wall Street Warriors Investment Group
– “Warrior Survival Kit” focus group and stipend opportunity for single moms
-Warrior Mom documentary screened at Cindependant Film Festivals
-Warrior Moms Playwright, “Savagery”- A Cinematic Therapeutic Production
-Emotional Intelligence Training
-Community TV Show
-Podcast episodes: #1 True Hustler of the Universe- The Single Mom and Warrior Moms Finale event
-ICE House Entrepreneurial Training
And NOW, my newest self published book, “The Warrior Moms Project-10 months with 10 grand” coming SOON!
Motherhood continues…it’s back to mothering my OWN! #MicDropped! Ase! (And so it is!)
More insight? www.WarriorMoms.us