My Black Wall Street of Asheville, NC Experience

“J. Hacket is the co-founder of “Grind”, a black owned coffee shop and founder of Black Wall Street (BWS). I reached out to J. and shared interest of the BWS cohort. A week later after he shared the many benefits to becoming a member, I signed up immediately!
1st benefit of my membership: I was invited to a vendor Pop Up event at Grind on a Saturday to sell my self- published books and share my service offerings.
2nd benefit of membership: Everyone that purchased/ bartered my books, received a 30 minute counsel session. 3 folks responded to the opportunity. Now I have gained potential new clients and new readers of my books.
3rd benefit of membership: I was featured in Citizen Times newspaper. This was free advertisement of my story and my 2 businesses- Counsel to the Entrepreneur, LLC and Warrior Moms, a social enterprise 501C-3 non-profit.
4th benefit of membership: Because of the article, 1 business and 1 organziation reached out sharing a potential partnership and funding opportunity for my non-profit.
5th benefit of membership: 2 of the members of BWS attended my course at AB Tech, “How to Eradicate Fear- A Guide for Entrepreneurs”. 3 days later, I received an opportunity to teach the same class to BWS cohort.
6th benefit of membership: While selling my books at the 2nd Pop Up event, I connected with 3 organizations that are seeking my courses, services, and publications for my 2 businesses- Counsel to the Entrepreneur, LLC (for-profit) and Warrior Moms (non-profit).
7th benefit of membership: COMING SOON!
As you see, BWS of Asheville, NC is a fruitful entrepreneurial platfrom!
Thank you GOD, thank you BWS, I am so grateful! and blessed”
I send Love and Light to you all!