“War Paint and Blush”

“War Paint in Africa and Native American traditions symbolizes tri”bal identity, preparation for battle and levels of power.
In modern day, Blush is a pigment that accents the cheek bone, which represent beauty.
Single Mothers are “The ICON of Beauty, Power and Strength”!
We apply War Paint to our entire bodies everyday! This symbolizes our protection from the energy that may cause harm and that tries to dwell within our children.
In my experience, War Paint and Blush is in the form of: Prayer, Positive Affirmations, Frankincense Oil, Sage, Healing Stones, and Love.
Here’s a Spiritual Covering Prayer to memorize and speak out-loud that will become a force of protection for you and your children:
“By the Power and Authority of the Divine Source of all that is: I now command and give full permission, as the Master of this space; all interference of all negativity in all forms and on all levels, be now evicted and removed from this dwelling and land and air surrounding it. Place a golden grid to surround and support this sacred space. Align and regenerate this space to the sacred stars of Health, Wealth, and Love!” ~Divinity Spiritual Church
“My grandmothers were strong. They followed plows and bent to toil. They moved through fields sowing seed. They touched earth and grain grew. They were full of sturdiness and singing. My grandmothers were strong.” ~ Margaret Walker Alexander
Copyright 2018 Nicole Lee. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.