Single Mom, Nicole Lee-Guided By Faith!

“Here’s how tight Nikki Lee’s family is: She convinced her mother and three adult children to move last fall from a lifetime in Cincinnati to the unknown of Asheville.
“One of my clients years ago had always told me that I’d connect well in Asheville because I seemed like the hippie type, and I am,” Lee recalled. “We just visited and we fell in love with the mountains.”
Like many who move to this area, Lee arrived without much of a plan. What she did have was her faith—her unwavering compass throughout her life. Around 2012, that compass pointed her to sell her thriving hair salon and devote herself to writing.
She has since self-published nine books of uplifting guidance, founded a support agency for single mothers in poverty and built a consulting business for entrepreneurs. She hosts a monthly podcast based on her writings and she has written a play drawn from the stories of two single black mothers and their adult sons.
That play, titled “Savagery,” gets a staged reading June 18 through Asheville’s Magnetic Theater as part of the first GRINDfest.”~ Mike Peiken, Blue Ridge Radio