“A FAMILY that PRAYS together, manifest GREATNESS!”

“To my God-given gifts, my children- I love you always; you are my reason for being and my inspiration of why I do what I do! Thank you for keeping me grounded. The responsibility of parenting allows one to experience unconditional love. My children are my power base. My responsibility as a mother is to teach and nurture these Divine beings God has put me in charge of. As time consuming children are, children need to be inspired and encouraged at all times. Sacrificial offering = your time.
Mothers have the power to feed into their children’s expanded powers. This power dwells within their Spirit. A mother has the power to pour into her children when their spirit is in need of light. Woman is the Sub-Conscious mind of God. Children nowadays come here with a knowing that they are destined to be great. Mothers are their first teacher.
I’m thankful to my loving family:
My Dad: Thank you for your strength as a strong black King. It allows me to handle and take control of situations that may come my way that may cause distractions while along this journey called life; without fear, while STILL being a very feminine, heterosexual beautiful woman. Thank you, I love you!
My Mom: Your natural beauty as a beautiful black Queen inside and out has allowed me to know I too am a black beautiful Queen. The unconditional love you have always poured into me is what creates this Desire to become God’s obedient child. Thank you, I love you!
To my Siblings: as the baby of the group, I’ve watched you as I have grown into this women I’ve become. I thank you for being who you are, allowing me to realize I too should be true to myself, thank you, I love you!
To my family: Thank you for loving me unconditionally and helping me along this journey emotionally, financially and spiritually.
I am very blessed, grateful, fortunate and highly favored to have such a loving family, GOD, I THANK YOU!” ~Dedication from “Healing Cosmetologist” By Nicole Lee
Nicole Lee
Website: http://www.NicoleLee.me
LuLu: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/AuthorNicoleLee
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/msnicolelee
“Favor is when Opportunity meets Preparation”~ NHF
Copyright 2018 Nicole Lee. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.