Family Prayer

“We as a Family agree and pray this prayer:
In the name and thru the Power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Holy Spirt take control of our circumstances, our situations and our conversations thru faith as we surrender our will to you this entire day. We as a Family pray that all forms of sickness, dis-ease, dis-order, and pain be removed from our Mind, Body and Spirit. We as a Family pray that God will restore strength to our Body and Joy to our Spirit, so that in our renewed health, we may bless and serve Him forever more. We as Family agree and pray that God will pour His anointing of Divine Healing, Covering and Peace upon our Mind, Body and Spirit. We as a Family give God full permission to master our space of land and air surrounding us, protecting us from evil. We as a Family ask God to shower us with an Abundance in Wealth, Health, Love, Joy and Peace. We as a Family Pray for guidance to seek our God given Purpose and Walk in it, in Jesus name, Amen!”
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness; and ALL these things shall be added unto You”. Matthew 6:33