Birthday Gift to Myself- New Podcast Show!

“2017 has been a high vibrational rollercoaster of twist and turns, joy and tears- the mixed emotions of life and God still has His hand in ALL I do, so here it is…
“Coming Soon” Continued Podcast “Spiritual Beings Having Human Experiences”: with your Host Nicole Lee- Author, Entrepreneur, Visionary and Founder of Warrior Moms.
The goal of my program is to share TRUTH and spread LOVE throughout the frequency airwaves and beyond in subjects regarding- Chakra Healing, Breaking of the Willie Lynch Curse, Meditation, Metaphysics, Spirituality vs Religion, Intellectual Property, Entrepreneurship, Positive Affirmations, Universal Law and Overstanding the “SHIFT” and much more!
This is a gift to myself for my 46th Earthday -February 6, 2018- To ignite the idea into physical form….. my very own Podcast Show!! Ase
Btw, the SHOW will be LIVE via audio and visual!!
In the meantime enjoy the 4 Podcast Shows here on my website under “Video/Podcast” recorded in 2017! Show titles as follow:
A Love Letter to a King, Healing Cosmetologist, #1 True Hustlers of the Universe- The Single Mother and Dream Interpretations.
Love and Light,
Nicole Lee
Copyright 2018 Nicole Lee. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.