“Birth of Warrior Moms®”

“By now you realize that you have been touched by an artist that God has gifted you. Nicole has been graced with the gift to beautify the crowns of his children filling them with the spirit of love, self-esteem and confidence He wants us to have. Nicole has a gift and she activates it, which certainly gives compliment to the Creator”. ~Sharla C.
Excerpt from the Foreword of “Healing Cosmetologist®” by Nicole Lee Copyright © 2015 Nicole Lee.
I asked God, “What else do I do with this gift?”
That moment came in 2016 when I applied to the Haile Foundation grant through its People’s Liberty program. It’s my 1st interview, and the CEO is advising me on my 3 ideas. During conversation as I share with him my background, he says while holding his head, “I don’t know how you single mothers do what you do?!” Then the puzzle began to piece together- Create a project where my craft combines with what I’m passionate about- Beauty and Motherhood. The idea became clear: “What if I could provide a way to celebrate single moms and enlighten them with tools to assist in living a better life while offering them the gift of beauty?”
I met with another advisor and they loved my idea, loved it so much, she gifted me with the name, “Warrior Moms®”.
I was one of eight applicants awarded a grant to do just that and Warrior Moms® was born.
Cincinnati has one of the highest per capita rates of poverty and rank one of the highest rate of infant mortality. 85% of families with children in poverty in Cincinnati were headed by single females as of 2015. Avondale, North College Hill and Price Hill are 3 of the many communities within Cincinnati that are affected by this hardship. Single Mothers are among the most who live in this hardship.
The Warrior Moms® project is founded on the premise that single mothers are unrecognized warriors that deserve to be celebrated for their strength.
One single mother from each community will be gifted a complimentary makeover and be crowned as:
“The ICON of Beauty, Power and Strength”.
I chose Avondale because as an Empath, I have the ability to sense the needs of people. I remember driving thru Avondale one summer and soon as I entered the community, my heart dropped and sadness came upon me. This feeling lingered all the way thru until I drove into the next community. It was weird, I thought, “Wow, Avondale is full of pain and hopelessness.” I chose North College Hill in honor to my ancestors and my family to uplift the community in a very positive way. I chose Price Hill because of my experience as a volunteer at Santa Maria Community Services, I experienced first hand the needs of the people within the community which gave me the desire to share some light.
I am a single mother who knows firsthand the challenges and victories that single mothers face. This represents a driving motivation behind the concept of “Warrior Moms®”.
The “Warrior Moms®” project is to awaken the warrior spirit from within so that the single mother may continue the works of; raising our future leaders of the world, eliminate the pride from within so that they may be open to receive help and remind them of their power as mother:
“Mothers have the power to feed into their children’s expanded powers that dwells within their Spirit. Mothers have the power to pour into their children when their Spirit is in need of light.” ~ Nicole Lee
“Warrior Moms®” Project will bring forth a new wave of positive energy for the greater good of Greater Cincinnati!
Applications to enter the contest begins at the end of February 2017.
“Beautifying the Single Mother for the Battle of Monday”
Love and Light,
Nicole Lee
Copyright 2018 Nicole Lee. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.