This book is the creation of a project grant gifted through Peoples Liberty by ways of the US Bank Haile Foundation. The Warrior Moms Project book shares the beginning of the journery of Warrior Moms 501C-3 social enterprise.
Warrior Survival Kit: This is a journal book that offers tools to overcome emotional paralysis of toxic stress, depression and anxiety.
Healing Cosmetologist, reveals step by step insight on how to be successful in the business of Beauty and power that lies in the hands of a Beauty Professional by understanding the Energy of a client.
In this book, I will share and offer tools to use to overcome the negative emotions that seems to manifest overtime during one’s life journey.
Having the ability to write a thought beyond my own thinking is fascinating to me. The language that comes upon me in thought is not of my own, it comes from above.
Your story will help someone….so write, copyright it to protect it, hire an editor, then publish it to receive royalties from your story being told! Intellectual Property is the Highest Commodity!
Barbers and Cosmetologists have a power to influence people in a very real and positive manner. When a client allows you to use your skills to make them more beautiful (inside and out), they are usually showing a great deal of trust.
Did you know that your hair is an antenna that transmits and receives thoughts outside of your 5 senses? It carries energy of vibrations within each strand, holding information about an individual’s spirit and is often transferred through the power of touch.
In this book, I will share and offer tools to use to overcome the emotional paralysis that seems to manifest overtime during a single mother’s life journey.
Composed of short stories about how to ignite blissful living. These short stories are my personal testimonies of how I FINALLY found joy within my spirit without anything external.
Realize the spleen area (2nd Chakra) is bound in a lot of men. Most men haven't felt that type of energy, so it awakens the libidinal. Most men know the friction but not the energy.
In this book, I will share and offer tools to use to overcome the negative emotions that seem to manifest over time during an entrepreneur’s life journey. This is one key component that keeps one from living a purposeful life.